
The latest announcements, stories, and press coverage from around the world.

July 3, 2024
Stefan Schwab, Enlighted CEO, featured on Forbes: Meet Sustainability Targets by Lowering Energy Demand
Stefan Schwab explores how the energy crisis highlighted the effectiveness of demand reduction, while Reaganomics revealed the limited benefits of supply-side increases. These historical insights can guide modern businesses in achieving sustainability by focusing on reducing energy consumption rather than solely increasing supply. Discover how today’s AI-driven, IoT-enabled smart building technologies can dramatically lower energy demand, reduce costs, and shrink carbon footprints. Learn why the greenest energy is the energy we don’t use, and how embracing energy efficiency can help us meet ambitious climate goals.
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June 17, 2024
Unlock the Power of Diverse Work Styles
Discover top strategies for managing teams with varied working styles. From being a good listener to utilizing personality tests, fostering open communication, and embracing flexibility, these tips will help lead a more cohesive, productive, and innovative team. It advocates for embracing diversity as a strategic advantage and promoting a collaborative, inclusive work environment.
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May 17, 2024
Stefan Schwab, Enlighted CEO, featured on Forbes: Use AI And Machine Learning to Capitalize on Smart Building Data
Unlocking the Potential of Smart Building Data with AI and Machine Learning – Explore how AI and ML technologies are revolutionizing productivity by harnessing the wealth of data generated by IoT sensors in smart buildings. Learn about real-world applications in healthcare, supply chain management, workplace comfort, and facilities efficiency, and discover best practices for implementation and future-proofing investments.
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