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Posted on April 5, 2023 by Enlighted

Can Proptech ESG Firms Thrive Amid Hybrid Work?

With hybrid remote work making the return to the office slower than expected, real estate office owners should still plan on retrofitting their portfolios with smart...
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Posted on March 29, 2023 by Stefan Schwab

Sustainability Starts at Home – Results from the Enlighted Offices

In his recent blog, Enlighted CEO, Stefan Schwab challenges his team to ‘walk the talk’ and fully use Enlighted's technology in each of the organization's office locations to measure CO2...
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Die Gebäudetechnologie-Trends 2023

Wie verändert hybrides Arbeiten die heutige Arbeitswelt? Entdecken Sie neue Perspektiven und wichtige Einblicke in die Zukunft der...
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Posted on March 19, 2023 by Enlighted

What is the workplace of the future: Stefan Schwab on IoT One

Enlighted CEO, Stefan Schwab joined the IoT One podcast to discuss which mega trends are reshaping offices and how business leaders can tackle these trends by leveraging...
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Posted on March 16, 2023 by Lakshmi Venkataiah

Back to Basics: Smart Building IoT Occupancy and Utilization Data

Building occupancy metrics became an urgent requirement of organizations post-pandemic that needed a way to understand success of return-to-work policy. Occupancy data was sought by facilities teams to understand attendance as well as average-space usage for forecasting space needs and identifying unused space to remove from portfolios. However, there is even more insight to glean from occupancy data than average occupancy. Some types of occupancy data, such as those collected by Internet of...
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University of California, Santa Barbara

Customer Profile University of California, Santa Barbara teams with Enlighted to achieve 76 percent energy savings, significantly reduce maintenance costs, and modernize campus infrastructure with intelligent lighting. Market United States Industry Education ...
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Die Gebäudetechnologien 2023 Trends

Was bedeutet das für 2023? Stefan Schwab, CEO von Enlighted, erklärt die wichtigsten Trends, die den Wandel in der Beziehung zwischen Mensch, Raum und Arbeit in diesem Jahr maßgeblich beeinflussen und vorantreiben...
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Smarte Technologien einsetzen, statt auf Förderungen zu warten

Entdecken Sie, wie smarte Technologien langfristige Energiesparmöglichkeiten...
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Posted on March 6, 2023 by Stefan Schwab

IoT Enabled Smart Buildings & Data Driven Insights with Enlighted CEO, Stefan Schwab – Electrical Industry Newsweek

Enlighted CEO, Stefan Schwab discusses the benefits IoT enabled smart buildings provide and how Enlighted allows clients to get the most out of their...
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Posted on February 28, 2023 by Enlighted

TedX: The Friends We Never Knew We Had by Niko Kavakiotis

Niko Kavakiotis, delivered a TEDXWoking Talk to discuss to the potential of IoT technology to make lives better for people in all living...
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